Aras Developer

Understanding Adaptive Markup Language (AML) in Aras Innovator

Daan Theoden
#AML#Aras Innovator#data management#XML#tutorial
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Introduction to Adaptive Markup Language (AML) in Aras Innovator

Aras Innovator utilizes Adaptive Markup Language (AML) as a cornerstone for data management. This extension of XML is vital for structuring and querying data in Aras Innovator’s database. Here, we’ll explore AML’s capabilities and provide practical examples to demonstrate its utility.

What is an Item in Aras Innovator?

In Aras Innovator, every data entity is treated as an “Item.” These Items are managed through AML, which enables you to perform a variety of operations without always needing to access the graphical interface. Essentially, AML allows for efficient management and manipulation of data.

Common AML Operations

AML is designed to facilitate diverse operations from simple data retrieval to complex system integrations:

Practical Examples of AML in Action

Here are some practical examples to help illustrate how AML works in various scenarios:

Example 1: Retrieving an Item

To fetch a specific part from the database, you might use an AML query like this:

<Item type="Part" action="get">

This query retrieves a Part item with the item number “8120-1378.”

Example 2: Adding a New Item

To add a new user to the system, your AML might look like this:

<Item type="User" action="add">

This snippet adds a new user with the provided details to the Innovator database.

Example 3: Updating an Item

If you need to update an item, such as changing a user’s email, the AML might be:

<Item type="User" action="edit" id="[32 chars ID]">

This command changes the email address of the user with a 32 chars ID.”

Example 4: Deleting an Item

To delete an item, you can use an AML statement like:

<Item type="Part" action="delete" id="[32 chars ID]">

This would delete the Part item identified by the 32 chars ID.

Applying AML

Aras provides Nash, which assists users in building and testing AML queries.You can access Nash by appending \Client\scripts\nash.aspx to the end of the URL you typically use to access your Aras Innovator instance (e.g. /InnovatorServer/Client/scripts/nash.aspx).


Understanding and using AML effectively is crucial for anyone working with Aras Innovator. Through the practical examples provided, you can see how AML facilitates a wide range of data management tasks, from simple queries to complex operations, ensuring that you can handle business requirements with efficiency and accuracy.

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